
I'm excited to offer the opportunity to sign up for consultation sessions relating to your writing, especially if you'd like to prepare your book to be submitted to agents. Having spent well over a decade considering hundreds of submissions, possibly more, I have a good idea how you might go about presenting your book in the best light. 

When considering a submission package, I understand what will catch an editor or an agent's eye, what truly makes a cover letter stand out and how to resolve potential issues. If there are any glaring issues or absences from a letter, I'll be sure to spot them.

Submitting a book to agents and editors can feel a little scary. It's inevitable that you're personally invested in what you've written, and sending it out to be judged is an intimidating process. My feedback is always logical, kind and honest, and I intend only on making the process easier and more enjoyable.

I'm happy to work with authors of fiction and non-fiction titles for an adult audience, and will have to consider each children's, mid-grade or young adult title on a case-by-case basis. Elsewhere too, I may feel unable to perform the consultation service if the genre is perhaps out of the realms of my expertise, but I am happy to pass on information about agents who might be more appropriate. 

I am open to adapting consultation sessions to best suit the needs of a writer, but here are a few options. 

15-Minute Consultation - £50

  • Send your query for review: your submission letter and your synopsis
  • 15 minutes to discuss your work and any questions you might have over the phone
  • Hear tips on your query, pitching and submission strategy

Query + First 10 Pages  - £70 

  • Send your query for review: your submission letter and your synopsis plus the first 10 pages (double-spaced) for review
  • 25 minutes to discuss your work and any questions you might have over the phone
  • Hear tips on your query, pitching and submission strategy

Detailed submission review - £225 

  • Send your query and first 10,000 words for review, plus synopsis if available
  • Receive honest, detailed feedback on the entire submission of at least 1000 words
  • Followed up with a 15 minute phone call for any final queries

Please email me at sharing information about the service you'd like to book, nature of the submission in question and roughly when you would like to put it in the diary.